U.S. Job Openings Unexpectedly Rise, Beats Market Expectations
Job Openings Fare Higher Than Expected According to the Labor Department’s monthly Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) report released on Wednesday, job openings — a key measure of labor demand — saw an increase of 358,000 to reach 10.1 million by the end of April. The data for March was also revised upward, revealing 9.75 million job openings instead of the previously reported 9.59 million. advertisement Read More: United States Set To Vote On Debt Limit Bill, Rep. McHenry Confident On Majority The growth in job openings was primarily driven by the retail, healthcare, and transportation sectors as positions in these industries witnessed an increase in vacancies. On the other hand, openings declined in the manufacturing sector, real estate firms, and state and local governments. Fed’s Aggressive Interest Rate Hikes Although job openings have declined from the record high of 12 million recorded in March 2022, they s...